Chinese Learner’s Dictionary Series (Chinese to Foreign Language and Foreign Language to Chinese) Program
  1. The program includes 44 dictionaries in 22 languages, each including one mini-dictionary and one medium-sized dictionary.

  1. Contracts on 21 language editions have been signed, i.e. Thai, Russian, Lao, Malay, Swahili, Burmese, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Sinhala, German, Romanian, Cambodian, Persian, French, Finnish, English, Japanese, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Korean and Arabic.

  1. Scripts of 13 mini-dictionaries have been submitted, i.e. Swahili, Romanian, Cambodian, Lao, Sinhala, Burmese, German, Bulgarian, Malay, Portuguese, French, Korean and Thai.

  1. Three mini-dictionaries have been published: Swahili, Romania and Cambodian.

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